Educação não escolar em contexto de trabalho: indícios para a educação de jovens e adultos
Non-school education in work contexts: indications for education of youth and adults
This article seeks to deepen discussions on uses of language in the workplace to elucidate important aspects in the process of design and implementation of educational proposals for young and adult workers. It presents the main results of a non-school education experience in a petrochemical industry, focusing on the development of literacy and numeracy practices situated in the contexts of personal life and workplace of the subjects involved. Generally speaking, this article shows that both young and adult workers have experiences and personal circumstances which favored mastering literacy and numeracy practices due to certain contexts, and that such practices are not necessarily interchangeable; in other words, we point to need for approximation between education proposals and the daily lives of the individuals they target.
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ISSN 2237-9983