Carta à prefeita, carta ao prefeito. Uma cidade para a criança
Letter to the Mayor. A City for the Children
This text discusses the drafting of a letter presenting some ideas on how city administration can be focused on children. A city for children can be the synthesis for an administration that places childhood and adolescence at the forefront of public policies. To do this, reasons justifying this municipal decision are given: scientific, political and social reasons and economic and law-based arguments. It is noted that the steps for the municipality to do what is best for its children depend on a political decision, a political commitment, mobilization by society and articulation with national and state policies and programs. The text concludes that various sciences have found that the first six years of life are crucial in the formation of personality, intelligence and emotional and social structures. In the federal and state plans and programs, there are resources and lines of technical cooperation, which the city should use to supplement its actions in guaranteeing the rights of small children.
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ISSN 2237-9983